Elected Officials & Duties
There are eight (8) elected positions in Washington Township. They consist of the Township Supervisor, Township Highway Commissioner, the Township Assessor, the Township Clerk and four (4) Board Trustees. Here is a brief description of those positions and duties.
The Township Supervisor serves as the chief executive officer of the township with responsibilities that include, but are not limited to, serving as chairman of the township board of trustees, administer of the general assistance program and overseer of township cemetery maintenance on township responsible cemeteries. The supervisor is also treasurer of all town funds including general assistance, cemetery funds, and road and bridge funds. The supervisor does not control the Township Highway Commissioner, the Township Assessor (or their employees), nor the Township Clerk as they are elected officials and not employees of the Township Supervisor.
If a Washington Township resident has questions concerning supervisor administered programs or duties, please contact the supervisor’s office at 309-444-2987.
The current Township Supervisor is Jim Bremner.
The Township Highway Commissioner has sole jurisdiction and responsibility for construction and maintenance of all roads and bridges within the township district except roads maintained by the city, state and/or the county. These responsibilities includes snow plowing, resurfacing, rebuilding and new construction of roads and bridges.
If a Washington Township resident has a question about township highway responsibility for their property area, feel free to contact the Township Highway Commissioners office at Ph.309-620-1783.
The current Township Highway Commissioner is Scott Weaver.
The office of the Township Assessor appraises property and places a value on it according to formulas set by the Illinois Department of Revenue. The Assessor will also assist residents with exemption forms. The Assessor does not set the tax rate or property taxes.
For information on property assessments, Senior Homestead, Low Income Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze, Disabled Veterans, or Disabled Persons exemption forms, please call (309) 444-4734. Assistance filling out forms is available by appointment.
The current Township Assessor is April Morgan.
The Township Clerk is present at and records all board and executive board meetings and maintains all township records except for active general assistance cases.
The clerk also serves as the local election authority and is responsible for accepting petitions concerning township elections and/or referendums.
As the ex-officio clerk of the township road district, the clerk also maintains all records for the Highway Commissioner and must witness all bid openings for both the township and road district.
The current Township Clerk is Jewel Ward.
The Township Trustees ensure the effective management of township programs and services, monitoring resource allocation and providing accountability oversite.
Trustees meet monthly with the Township Supervisor, Township Highway Commissioner, Township Assessor and Township Clerk on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:00 pm to assess progress. The general public is invited to attend any of the monthly board meetings.
The current Township Trustees are: Dave Weaver, Ken Holford, Joe Hart and David Price.